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  • Data protection

Notes on data protection and copyrigh

The content of these pages has been carefully prepared and checked. Perfect Skin Berlin assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against Perfect Skin Berlin relating to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by incorrect and incomplete information are fundamentally excluded, unless it can be proven that Perfect Skin Berlin Deliberate or grossly negligent behavior was present. Perfect Skin Berlin expressly reserves the right to change, add to or delete parts of the site or the entire offer, or to cease publication without prior notice.

Rights of use
The copyright © of all content and brand logos lies with Perfect Skin Berlin. The reproduction of such content in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of Perfect Skin Berlin. Use requires our express approval!

Trademark right
Perfect Skin Berlin has trademark protection for “Plasmalite”, “Chromolite” and “Perfect Skin”, protected by national and international property rights. Use requires our express approval. All trademarks and brands mentioned on the website and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the property rights of the respective registered owner. The conclusion that trademarks are not protected by the rights of others should not be drawn simply because they are mentioned.

In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites that are outside the area of responsibility of Perfect Skin Berlin, a liability obligation would only come into force if Perfect Skin Berlin knew the content and this would be technically possible and reasonable in order to prevent illegal content. Perfect Skin Berlin hereby expressly declares that at the time the links were set, no illegal content was recognizable on the linked pages.

This disclaimer is part of the internet publication to which you were referred. If parts or individual formulations of this text no longer or not completely correspond to the current legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in content and validity.

Data protection declaration for the website http://www.perfectskin-berlin.de/

1. Area

The protection of personal data is very important to us. With the following information on data protection, we would like to give you a better understanding of which personal data we process for which purposes while you are using our website. The following information applies to all contents of the above website (hereinafter “offer” / “website”). The legal basis of data protection can be found in the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU (hereinafter: GDPR) and the national implementation provisions applicable in the EU, in Germany in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

2. Definition

Personal data “Personal data” are all information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person is seen as identifiable who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by assignment to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more special features that express the physical. physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of this natural person. Processing “Processing” means any process that is carried out with or without the help of automated processes or such a series of processes in connection with personal data, such as B. collecting, recording, organizing, ordering, storing, adapting or changing, reading, querying, using, disclosing by transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, comparison or linking, restriction, deletion or destruction.

3. Types of personal data

Access data Access data are data about every access to the server on which our website is located. The access data includes the IP address of the access device, date and time of the request, time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), content of the request (specific page), access status / HTTP status code, the amount of data transmitted is the website from which the request was made the browser, the operating system and its interface, language and version of the browser software. Cookies In addition to the data mentioned above, cookies are stored on your access device when you use our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the browser you are using and through which certain information flows to the location where the cookie is set (here by us or by third-party providers). Notification data If you fill out the contact form on our website or contact us in any other way, we will process the personal data that you provide to us.

4. Processing purposes

Access data Our hosting provider processes the access data on our behalf for the operation and accessibility of our website and for security reasons for fraud and abuse control. The legal basis for the processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 of the GDPR. Information on the processing of the IP address by third-party providers can be found in section 6. Cookies On the one hand, cookies serve to make our website more user-friendly and therefore the user. On the other hand, they are used to record and analyze statistical data on website usage in order to improve our offers. With regard to the use of cookies by third-party providers, we refer to Section 6. The legal basis for the use of cookies is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 f GDPR. Users can influence the use of cookies. Most browsers have the option of restricting or completely preventing the storage of cookies. However, it should be noted that the use and, in particular, the user-friendliness of our website are restricted without cookies. Notification data If you enter personal data using the forms on our website, or transmit it to us or communicate it to us in any other way, the purpose of the data processing depends on your request. We will use your personal data to process your request (the legal basis is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 f GDPR). We also use your first and last name and your address for direct mail (legal basis is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 f GDPR).

5. Categories of recipients of personal data

Web Hosting Provider The data mentioned in section 3 are processed by our web hosting provider on our behalf. If you communicate with us by e-mail, your e-mails and the personal data transmitted in them will be stored in our name on the servers of our web hosting provider (the legal basis is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 a, f GDPR). . IT service provider Our IT service providers have access to the data mentioned in section 3 if this is necessary for technical reasons and to optimize the website (legal basis is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 f GDPR) . Integration of services and content from third parties For the integration of services and content from third parties on our website and the associated data transfers, see Section 6.

6. Integration of services and content from third parties

We integrate services from other companies into the website in order to make our offer more attractive for you and to continuously optimize it (legal basis is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 a, f GDPR). Google Analytics This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are saved on your computer and that enable your use of the website to be analyzed. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is normally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If IP anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will first be shortened by Google in the member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is only transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide the website operator with other services relating to the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted by your browser. Google Analytics does not combine any data with other Google data. You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent. You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by using the browser available at the following link Use plug-in. Download and install it from: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de. This website uses Google Analytics with the extension “anonymizeIp ()”. As a result, IP addresses are processed in short form so that personal references can be excluded. If the data collected about you can be linked to a person, this is immediately excluded and the personal data is deleted immediately. We use Google Analytics to analyze the use of our website and to improve it regularly. We can use the statistics obtained to improve our offer and to make it more interesting for you as a user. The legal basis for the use of Google Analytics is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 GDPR. For the exceptional cases in which personal data is transferred to the USA, Google has submitted information to the EU-US Privacy Shield (https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework).
Informationen von Drittanbietern:
Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. User conditions: http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/de.html, overview of data protection: http://www.google.com/intl/de/analytics/learn/privacy.html, as well as the data protection declaration: http://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy.

Google Maps We use Google Maps on this website. When you visit the website, Google receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. In addition, the information entered in Google Maps and the IP address are transmitted. This happens regardless of whether Google provides a user account to which you are logged in, or whether there is no user account. If you are signed in to Google, your data will be assigned directly to your account. If you do not want the assignment to your profile on Google, you must log out before you activate the button. Google saves your data as a user profile and uses it for advertising, market research and / or the needs-based design of its website. Such an evaluation is carried out in particular (also for users who are not logged in) in order to provide needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles. However, you need to contact Google to exercise this right. Further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and processing can be found in the provider’s privacy policy. There you will also find further information on your rights in this regard and setting options to protect your privacy: With Google Maps, we can show you interactive maps directly on the website and you can use the map function conveniently. The legal basis for the use of Google Analytics is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 GDPR. You can find more information about Google’s data protection guidelines at: www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/. There you will also find information about how long Google stores data. Google has submitted https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework to the EU-US Privacy Shield.

YouTube We have integrated YouTube videos into our online offering, which are stored on http://www.YouTube.com and can be played directly from our website. These are all integrated into the “extended data protection mode”, i.e. no data about you as a user will be transmitted to YouTube if you do not play the videos. Only when you play the videos will the following data be transferred. We have no influence on this data transfer. When you visit the website, YouTube receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. In addition, the IP address of the access device and information about the video are transmitted. This happens regardless of whether YouTube provides a user account to which you are logged in, or whether there is no user account. If you are signed in to Google, your data will be assigned directly to your account. If you do not want the assignment to your profile on YouTube, you have to log out before you activate the button. YouTube saves your data as a usage profile and uses it for advertising, market research and / or the needs-based design of its website. Such an evaluation is carried out in particular (also for users who are not logged in) in order to provide needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, although you have to contact YouTube to exercise this right. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 of the GDPR. By using YouTube, we can improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user. The legal basis for using YouTube is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 of the GDPR. You can find more information on the purpose and scope of data collection and its processing by YouTube in the privacy policy. There you will also find further information on your rights and setting options to protect your privacy: https://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy. Google also processes your personal data in the USA and has submitted it to the EU-US Privacy Shield at https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework.

7. Provision of data

You are not obliged to provide personal data when you visit our website, but the IP address of your computer is automatically recorded when you visit. With regard to the use of cookies, we refer to sections 4 and 6.

8. Processing time

Access data The access data is saved 3 days after access.

Cookies and IP addresses Our own cookies are so-called session cookies, which are deleted when you end your visit to our website. If third-party cookies are set and IP addresses are processed, we have no influence on the duration of the processing. In section 6 you will find the links to the data protection declarations of the third party providers. There you can find out about the duration of the processing. Notification data We store the other data you provide for as long as we need it to process your request, provided that this data is not kept longer under tax and commercial law or consent is given that justifies further storage.

9. Right of objection

You have the right to object to the personal data processed on the basis of Art. 1 at any time. 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 f GDPR, provided there are reasons for the objection that arise from your particular situation. However, your personal data will be further processed if there are compelling legitimate reasons for the further processing of the data that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or if the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. If we process your personal data for the operation of direct mail, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of this advertising at any time without giving reasons (Art. 21 GDPR).

10. Further rights of data subjects

If you have given your consent, you have the right to withdraw it. We would like to point out that a revocation does not change the legality of the processing granted until the revocation (no retroactive effect of the revocation). You have the right, within the framework of the GDPR, to receive information about the personal data we have stored about you free of charge on request (Art. 15 GDPR). In addition, according to the GDPR, you have the right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR), deletion (Art. 17 GDPR), restriction (Art. 18 GDPR) and transmission (Art. 20 GDPR) of your personal data. You also have the right to complain to the data protection authority responsible for us in justified cases (Art. 77 GDPR). You can assert your rights under the GDPR by email or in writing. You can find our contact details below:

11. Contact details

Responsible for data protection law: Perfect Skin Berlin GmbH, Reinhardtstr. 15 – 10117 Berlin, Telephone: +49 (0) 30 – 466 04 277, Fax:, +49 (0) 30 – 97 00 54 57, E-Mail:, [E-Mail] info@perfectskin.de [/ E-Mail], Internet:, www.perfectskin-berlin.de Data protection supervisory authority: Berlin commissioner for data protection and freedom of information, Maja Smoltczyk, Friedrichstr. 219, 10969 Berlin, Tel .: +49 (0) 30 13889-0, Fax: +49 (0) 30 2155050, E-Mail: